How can I save my search and articles in an EBSCO database?
- Select the EBSCO database you want to work from and log into your free EBSCOhost account.
- Perform a search in the database.
- To save a search or alert:
- Select the “Search History” link located at the bottom of the search box
- Select which search you want to save and click the “Save Searches/Alerts” link
- Provide a name for the Search or Alert
- Provide a description
- Select how long you want the search saved (Ex: permanent or 24 hours)
Note: You can also save the search as an alert so that you will be notified the next time an article is uploaded using your key terms.
To save every item on the results page simultaneously:
- Perform a search
- Select the “Share” button at the top of the results list
- Select a folder
- The first 20 items will be placed in a folder of your choosing
To Save Individual Articles:
- From the results list
- Click on the folder icon located next to the item’s title
- Decide which folder to place it in
- From inside the article
- Locate the “Tools” section on the right hand side of the page
- Select “Add to folder”
- Decide which folder to place it in